Zulfikar Ditya A.

Zulfikar Ditya A.

A Laravel Maestro: Crafting Elegant and Efficient Web Solutions

About Me

In the dynamic realm of web development, I stand as a passionate Laravel developer, adept at transforming ideas into tangible digital experiences. My journey began with a fascination for computers, which blossomed into a deep-seated passion for unraveling the intricacies of web development. Armed with a strong background in web application development, I embarked on a mission to create efficient and innovative solutions that empower businesses and enhance lives.

My expertise in Laravel, a robust PHP framework, has enabled me to tackle complex projects with confidence. I've honed my skills in handling intricate transaction algorithms and designing robust databases, ensuring seamless data management and secure transactions.

My experience extends beyond technical proficiency; I'm a firm believer in the power of collaboration. I've thrived in diverse teams, fostering a spirit of innovation and shared knowledge. My ability to communicate effectively and translate technical concepts into clear language has proven invaluable in bridging the gap between developers, clients, and stakeholders.

Throughout my career, I've consistently delivered high-quality code, adhering to industry best practices and meticulously testing to ensure optimal performance. I'm also a staunch advocate for continuous learning, constantly seeking out new technologies and methodologies to expand my skillset.

My commitment to excellence extends beyond the digital realm. I'm an avid learner, constantly exploring new frontiers of knowledge and expanding my horizons. My passion for web development is not merely a profession; it's an integral part of who I am, driving me to innovate, create, and connect through the power of technology.

If you're seeking a Laravel developer who seamlessly blends technical expertise, collaborative spirit, and a passion for innovation, look no further. I'm eager to embark on new challenges and contribute my skills to your team, crafting elegant and efficient web solutions that exceed expectations.

Professional Experiences

May 2024 - Present

Freelance Web Developer

Self Employed

  • Planning & Requirements: Actively listen to client goals, target audience, functionalities, and success metrics. Document everything. Define project scope: core features, potential enhancements, external dependencies. Design wireframes/prototypes for UI/UX, incorporating iterative client feedback.
  • Database Design: Use an RDBMS (MySQL/PostgreSQL) with database normalization principles. Create an ERD to visualize table relationships. Implement migrations and seeders.
  • Code Pattern & Structure: Leverage Laravel's MVC architecture for code organization and Eloquent for database interactions. Manage dependencies (Laravel, packages) effectively with Composer. Write unit tests using PHPUnit to ensure code quality. Design RESTful APIs if needed for integration
  • Frontend Development (Optional): Employ Tailwind CSS for rapid, responsive UIs. Consider Alpine.js for lightweight interactivity. Utilize Livewire (optional) for complex dynamic UIs and server-side rendering. Use advanced JavaScript frameworks (React, Vue.js, Angular) for intricate interactions. Implement code splitting and bundling for optimized performance.
  • Team Management & Workflow: Utilize Git version control for code collaboration, conflict resolution, and change tracking. Leverage project management tools (Trello, Jira, Asana) for tasks, assigning roles, tracking progress, and managing milestones. Consider employing Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban) for iterative development.
  • Security Considerations: Implement robust authentication and authorization using Laravel features. Validate and sanitize user input rigorously to prevent vulnerabilities. Apply appropriate security headers to mitigate common web application risks.
  • Deployment & Testing: Establish separate development, staging, and production environments. Consider integrating CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

June 2023 - Present

Application developer officer

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

  • Full-Stack Web Development Expertise: Building Scalable and User-Centric Applications
  • Database Architect & Data Master: Designed scalable database schemas using PostgreSQL, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval for growing web applications. Aced writing complex SQL queries for seamless data manipulation, empowering various functionalities.
  • Building Responsive Web Apps with Laravel: Leveraged Laravel's MVC architecture and built-in features to construct responsive and user-friendly web applications. This ensured clean code organization, efficient data interactions using Eloquent ORM, and robust security measures.
  • Full-Stack Development Prowess: Implemented CRUD operations and meticulously crafted backend logic using Laravel. This focus on data integrity and security safeguards sensitive information across the application.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Thrived in collaborative environments, working closely with designers and product managers to translate user needs into technical requirements. This teamwork ensured a user-centric experience that met all stakeholders' objectives.
  • Continuous Learning: Actively explored the Mendix low-code platform and Asp.NET framework, expanding my knowledge base and adaptability to evolving technologies. Further solidified my understanding by developing a functional web application with ASP.NET.

October 2023 - May 2023

Backend Developer

PT. Seje Digital Utama

  • Backend Development & Integration Mastermind: Craft secure and optimized APIs for seamless data exchange between web apps and external services like Hue Huy & Aku Hadir APIs. Utilize Laravel's HTTP clients and data mapping to ensure efficient interaction and data integrity.
  • Laravel Integration Champion: Leverage Laravel's power for flawless third-party API integrations. Implement robust error handling and security measures to safeguard against failures and breaches.
  • Data Manipulation Maestro: Write clean, maintainable code using Laravel's Eloquent ORM for efficient CRUD operations and business logic implementation. Prioritize data validation and sanitization to prevent vulnerabilities.
  • Collaborative API Architect: Partner with front-end developers to design user-friendly APIs. Create comprehensive API documentation, employ versioning for smooth updates, and conduct collaborative testing with feedback loops to optimize API usability.
  • Clean & Readable Code Advocate: Champion clear, well-commented, and maintainable PHP and Laravel code. This fosters collaboration, minimizes errors, and ensures long-term application stability.

June 2023 - March 2024

Freelance Laravel Developer

Intive Studio

  • ERP Systems Architect with Laravel: Played a pivotal role as a core developer in building custom ERP web applications using Laravel. This involved designing efficient database structures, implementing complex business logic, and crafting user-friendly interfaces.
  • Master of Multi-Currency Transactions: Developed robust algorithms for handling multi-currency transactions within the ERP system, ensuring accurate and reliable financial data management.
  • Collaborative Full-Stack Expertise: Thrived in team environments, working seamlessly with front-end developers to deliver a cohesive user experience. Contributed to all aspects of the development lifecycle, from initial planning to deployment.
  • Problem-Solving Champion: Possess exceptional debugging and code analysis skills, effectively identifying and resolving complex issues within the ERP application.
  • Collaborative Code Guru: Actively assisted other developers by tackling intricate algorithms and contributing innovative solutions to optimize the ERP system.
  • Code Review and Refinement Leader: Championed code quality through rigorous code reviews. Reviewed, analyzed, and refactored code from other developers, ensuring maintainability and adherence to best practices.
  • ERP Module Expert: Successfully handled core ERP functionalities like Purchase, Sales, Delivery, Invoice, Warehouse, and Master Data. Additionally, provided support for Finance and Human Resources modules, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of ERP systems.
  • Continuous Improvement: Committed to staying abreast of the latest Laravel advancements and best practices, continuously seeking new ways to enhance my development skills and contribute effectively to future web application projects.

July 2022 - June 2023

Web Application Developer

Intive Studio

  • ERP Systems Architect with Laravel: Played a pivotal role as a core developer in building custom ERP web applications using Laravel. This involved designing efficient database structures, implementing complex business logic, and crafting user-friendly interfaces.
  • Master of Multi-Currency Transactions: Developed robust algorithms for handling multi-currency transactions within the ERP system, ensuring accurate and reliable financial data management.
  • Collaborative Full-Stack Expertise: Thrived in team environments, working seamlessly with front-end developers to deliver a cohesive user experience. Contributed to all aspects of the development lifecycle, from initial planning to deployment.
  • Problem-Solving Champion: Possess exceptional debugging and code analysis skills, effectively identifying and resolving complex issues within the ERP application.
  • Collaborative Code Guru: Actively assisted other developers by tackling intricate algorithms and contributing innovative solutions to optimize the ERP system.
  • Code Review and Refinement Leader: Championed code quality through rigorous code reviews. Reviewed, analyzed, and refactored code from other developers, ensuring maintainability and adherence to best practices.
  • ERP Module Expert: Successfully handled core ERP functionalities like Purchase, Sales, Delivery, Invoice, Warehouse, and Master Data. Additionally, provided support for Finance and Human Resources modules, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of ERP systems.
  • Continuous Improvement: Committed to staying abreast of the latest Laravel advancements and best practices, continuously seeking new ways to enhance my development skills and contribute effectively to future web application projects.

March 2022 - August 2022

Backend Developer

Seje Digital

  • Quality Assurance Champion: Possess a meticulous eye for detail, adept at identifying and correcting errors in code. Meticulously recheck programs after making changes to ensure desired results and application stability.
  • Testing & Validation Expert: Conduct thorough test runs for programs and applications to verify they produce accurate information and adhere to defined instructions. This proactive approach minimizes potential issues in production environments.
  • Third-Party API Integration Maestro: Leverage Laravel's capabilities to develop APIs that seamlessly consume data from external sources. This fosters efficient data exchange and expands application functionality.
  • Logic & Workflow Architect: Utilize workflow charts and diagrams to meticulously plan, analyze, review, and rewrite programs. This structured approach combines knowledge of computer capabilities, subject matter expertise, and symbolic logic to ensure clear, efficient, and maintainable code.
  • Next.js & Tailwind CSS Master: Construct visually stunning and highly responsive user interfaces (UIs) by combining the power of Next.js, a modern React framework, and Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework. This approach delivers exceptional user experiences.
  • Continuous Improvement: Actively stay informed about the latest advancements in web development frameworks and technologies. This commitment to lifelong learning ensures the delivery of cutting-edge web applications.

January 2021 - June 2021

Software Engineer Internship

Pt. Promedia Citra Informatindo

  • Software Refinement Expert: Possess a knack for identifying and correcting errors in existing software. Contribute to interface upgrades and performance improvements, ensuring user satisfaction and optimal system operation.
  • Technical Documentation Champion: Clearly communicate complex technical concepts by writing or contributing to user manuals and guides. This dedication to user-friendliness empowers end-users to efficiently leverage software applications.
  • Workflow Architect: Meticulously translate detailed workflow charts and diagrams, which define input, output, and logical operations, into well-structured, maintainable code. This meticulous approach ensures smooth program execution.
  • Cross-Platform Development Powerhouse: Adept in building Android applications using Java, catering to the mobile device market. Additionally, proficient in creating APIs specifically tailored for mobile app integration.
  • Framework-Agnostic Developer: Possess a versatile skillset, capable of building web applications using both Laravel and Yii frameworks. This adaptability allows me to select the most suitable framework based on project requirements.
  • Continuous Expansion: Remain dedicated to expanding my knowledge base by actively learning and exploring new technologies. This commitment ensures continual skill development and adaptability to evolving project needs.











Laravel Framework.








React js.


Next js.




Boostrap Css.


Mendix Low Code


Build App Clones with ReactJS Clever Programmer - Clever Programmer

SMKN 1 Jenangan

C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course

SMKN 1 Jenangan

JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course in 12 Hours (2022)

SMKN 1 Jenangan

Laravel 8 tutorial - Code Step by Step

SMKN 1 Jenangan

Python Django Tutorial - Build a TODO List App for Beginners

SMKN 1 Jenangan

Python Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course in 11 Hours [2020]

SMKN 1 Jenangan

ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course in 20 Hours [2022]

SMKN 1 Jenangan

ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course in 20 Hours [2022] - Clever Programmer

SMKN 1 Jenangan

ASP.NET Core MVC 2022 .NET 6 - Teddy Smith

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Build a Backend Web Server + RSS Aggregator | Full Golang Tutorial

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

C# Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Go Programming – Golang Course with Bonus Projects

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 8) - DotNetMastery

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Learn Go Programming - Golang Tutorial for Beginners

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Become a Rapid Developer

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Build Your App Using a Template

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Building an Event App Usig Microflows

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Contrains Your Data Using XPath

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Create an App with Advanced Page Building

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Difference Between UX, Ui, and Frontend

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Expand Your Domai Modeling Skills

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Going Mobile

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Importing and Exporting Your Data

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Style your App using Sass

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Understand the Value of User Experience

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix Unlocking True Collaboration

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Mendix crash course

PT. Anomali Trans Teknologi

Education Background.

  1. SMKN 1 Jenangan - Software Engineering

  2. MTsN 2 Ponorogo

  3. SDN 1 Nglayang


  1. 2nd Position KKSI Smart School Field 2021

    Get position 2nd in KKSI Smart School Field 2021 with the theme of Smart School. Making web app using Laravel And Bootstrap, the app is about School management, it contains landing pages, student management, library management, etc

  2. 3rd Position SAKKSI Smart School Field 2021

    Get position 3rd in SAKKSI Smart School Field 2021 with the theme of Smart School. we add some feature from KKSI app, and we make it more better, we add some feature like employee management, improving landing pages, todo app, etc.

  3. 1st Position LKS Web Technology (Regional Level)

    Get 1st position in Competency Competition for Students (LKS) in the Field of Web Technology Working Area 4 East Java. I must make web app using Laravel and Bootstrap, the app is about Course Online, contains page for student, teacher, and admin.

  4. Rank 5 LKS Web Technology East Java (Province Level)

    Get rank 5ft in Competency Competition for Students (LKS) in the Field of Web Technology (Province of East Java). Make an App using laravel and React js, the app is about vaccination registration, contains page for user, user can booking ticket for vacination.